
Breathe in, breathe out -- 呼吸

Anasa means "to breathe" in Greek. Whether we live in the city or in the country, are a workaholic or retired, have kids or pets or Facebook to keep up with, it is easy to forget that life and health is sustained by our breath. Life can get hectic.

At Anasa Health, we want to remind you to take some deep breaths to calm and recenter yourself. Your breathing has a calming influence on the body and the vagus nerve's management of your parasympathetic nervous system. We all need to be reminded from time to time to close our eyes and breathe calmly and deeply in and out and let the body and mind do their part in keeping us healthy.

As a licensed naturopathic physician and acupuncturist, Dr. Stella Kondilis works with patients from young to old to help address their ailments and to help keep them balanced and well. Out of her office in the Greenwood neighborhood in Seattle, she can help with:

  • minor sports injuries such as muscle sprains and strains,

  • nutrition and diet,

  • hormonal balancing, and

  • immune support.

Dr. Kondilis is not taking new patients at this time.

Appointments for existing patients can be made by calling 206-356-7526 or by emailing Dr. Kondilis takes insurance or can bill you directly. All patients must be fully vaccinated for Covid-19, including a booster.

For patients to whom we recommend nutritional and herbal supplements, please order through my online dispensary.

We look forward to helping you.

Stella Kondilis, ND, MAcOM

Dr. Kondilis is licensed by the State of Washington and graduated from National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon, in 1994 and from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine in 1995.

She's been serving on the board of directors of the Northwest Naturopathic Physicians Convention since 2000.